Thrive with Cariño: A Collaborative Initiative by the City of Las Cruces and Las Cruces Public Schools

The City of Las Cruces and Las Cruces Public Schools are partnering in 2025 to celebrate and support the next generation.

Thrive with Cariño is here!

Together, LCPS's Vision Thrive and the City’s Cariño Initiative are joining forces to recognize students who are making a difference—just as we honor our outstanding city employees through Cariño. Students will be celebrated not only by their schools but also by the City of Las Cruces for their incredible achievements.

Thrive with Cariño is here!

Hear from Mayor Eric Enriquez and Superintendent Ignacio Ruiz as they discuss how this partnership will uplift and inspire our youth, shaping a brighter future for our entire community.

Let’s celebrate our students and their achievements with Thrive with Cariño! #ThriveWithCariño #Cariño

Thrive Carino

See video: