Cruces Student Union

Mission Statement:

"The Cruces Student Union will work hard and take action to foster a positive working environment where members will know and understand expectations, learn from their mistakes, and be confident in their abilities to achieve our goals throughout the 2020-2021 year"



Cruces Student Union- CSU, is the student government program at LCHS. This program is the voice of the student body at our school and oversees all the events/ activities hosted throughout the year. These individuals take on large events such as Homecoming, Spirit Weeks, Cruces Mayfield Rivalry, Prom, Assemblies, Winter Ball, Prom, and Graduation. These students gain the ability to become leaders and hold numerous positions of responsibility. This program elects grade level officers/ representatives as well as Student Body leaders. They focus on community outreach, connecting with the school, and keeping the school spirit at LCHS alive! CSU is in attendance at all the Student Council leadership workshops of New Mexico, that take place each year. These events include, District Conference, State Leadership Conference, and Summer Workshop.

Even though CSU is a club, it is also a course which the students enroll in for the school year. In the class they learn the different roles and positions of government. They learn about the importance in bylaws, vote/ elections, majority decisions, and formation of new school events. They commit several hours, both in and out of school to make LCHS a united, successful, welcoming environments to each student. Every Bulldawg has a voice in our eyes and this program makes sure each and every student is hear. CSU, wants to make high school the most, memorable, exciting, and significant time of an individual’s life.

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Young students in bleachers

Teacher Sponsor

L Tarin-Martinez

Teacher Sponsor